Welcome to Blue Fox Farm!

Helping others reconnect with nature in Ashland, Missouri

Curiosity. Creativity. Community.

We are located on 70 beautiful acres in Southern Boone County in the Missouri River bottoms. We offer nature-based learning and experiences to children and adults alike in Ashland, MO and the surrounding communities.

Our mission is to help you reconnect with nature, nurture resilience, encourage curiosity, and deepen community. You’re invited to partake in our mission through our forest school, workshops, farm share and more!

The story of Blue Fox Farm all started with making some soup from stinging nettles foraged on our land…

And since that moment, we’ve continued to partner with our land in many different ways over the years, the most important being raising our children and maintaining an outdoor focused family life. Our curious nature and independent spirits have helped us create a truly authentic existence, with so many challenging and fun endeavors.

Over the years our passion has been leaning more and more toward sharing our knowledge, skills, and land with others. We are excited about teaching, collaborating, and supporting a community around curiosity, creativity, and resiliency.

Explore the Farm’s Offerings

  • Forest Kindergarten

    Welcoming children ages 2-6 to our Waldorf-style nature school. Our philosophy encourages healthy minds and bodies, as well as blossoming social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

  • Events & Workshops

    We host events and workshops as a way of inviting people back to the land. These opportunities allow for learning experiences that spark curiosity, creativity, and community.

  • Farm Share

    It’s easier than ever to source your produce and products locally! By supporting Blue Fox Farm, you’re enjoying quality born of a commitment to quality and care for the land.

  • "I can’t fathom a more peaceful or enriching learning environment. It is well worth the 30 minute commute from Columbia or Jefferson City for all it has to offer. Blue Fox is the sweetest little farmstead and school house in a gorgeous valley. Ms Megan is an exceptional and nurturing teacher and caregiver."

    – Jordan